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We are...Researchers

We are...Researchers

Our class topic for the summer term was the Seaside, so we decided to do some research on a selection of creatures that live under the sea.


First, we made a list of different types of sea creatures - each group chose one to research.


Then, we discussed the type of information we wanted to find out:

  • where they live,
  • how they hunt & catch their prey,
  • what they eat,
  • how long they live,
  • the average size & weight,
  • an amazing fact about each of these creatures.


We spent a couple of weeks researching this information, using websites appropriate for children (,, before creating a PowerPoint presentation, which included pictures as well as text.

We presented our own findings to the rest of our class to get feedback and to make any suggested changes.  Finally, we bravely stood up in front of the whole school and our parents, during a sharing assembly, to share our presentation.
