As the academic year draws to a close, the Yr6s enjoy one last exciting adventure as Primary school pupils before embarking on their journey to Secondary school – a day out at Crealy!
When Dr. Yes kidnaps the esteemed scientist Professor Sandy Beach, four of MI5s least capable agents find themsleves tasked with rescuing him and capturing Dr. Yes. It won't be easy though, not with the likes of Paws, Tic-Tac, Number Two and a bunch of other minions standing in their way. And how does the Prime Minister's long-awaited speech about 'going green' fit into the equation? Exploding pens at the ready, there's an arch villain to stop and a world to save!
After months of preparation, we performed our Y4-6 Production, ‘Mission Implausible’ to the school, family & friends, supported by the Year 4 choir.
A full day of sport...and the weather was kind to us!
We started off by running the Golden Mile round the field to help us limber up, then the rest of the morning was spent working in our tractor group teams taking part in a variety of multi-skill activities, which had been organised and were run by the Yr6 Sports Leaders.
There was:
* Beat the Goalie;
* Throwing bean bags into hoops of varying values;
* Closest bean bag to the cone wins;
* Javelin throwing;
* Cricket skills;
* Standing Long Jump
The afternoon was full of running races in our tractor group teams, where we all tried our very best and had a fantastic time. The best races, of course, involved water!
Year 6s learn how to check & maintain their bikes to ensure roadworthiness. Then they are put through their paces to learn balance, adjust speed where necessary & some basic rules of the road. Finally, after showing competency on a bike, they ride through the village to put their newly learned skills to the test and earn their Bikeability Level 2 award.
Woodpeckers, along with the rest of the school, took part in an Easter bonnet competition. Here are our entries:
We were invited to 'witness' the Easter Story unfold before our eyes - we became totally immersed in Jesus' last week on Earth.
Woodies were very busy at school on Wednesday:
Building snowmen...
Creating snow-thrones...
Having snowball fights...
and making the most of the snow.
We are excited to have received some new letters from our pen pals in France. We will write back & tell them about some of the things we have been learning in our French lessons, i.e. our hobbies, our family, all about us, and also about our school.
Our school team enjoyed success against Staplegrove School with a 4-1 win. They were great ambassadors for our school showing great resilience, determination, super defending and an all round positive sporting attitude. Well done!
Gardening - 09/02/23
We spent the morning sweeping up lots of leaves and tidying our quiet area, the wooden trim trail area and the front of the school. Most of us were tired after all that work but we had great fun and are very proud of our achievements!
The Digital Leaders led an assembly for the whole school for Safer Internet Day. They talked about what Safer Internet Day means, why it is celebrated across the UK and then they read the story, "Hanni and the Magic Window" to promote this year's campaign:
At St Mary's Church, Kingston St. Mary, Robins & Woodpeckers classes gave a stunning performance of Christmas Carols, old & new, along with beautifully recreated tableaux depicting the Christmas story and some reflective readings.
The concert was followed with mince pies and mulled wine to start the festive season.
Mme Colombet has kindly linked us up with a school in France to be able to exchange correspondence and find out about each other. We received their Christmas cards just before Christmas and we look forward to writing about ourselves and replying in the New Year.
The Whole School boarded buses to the Northcott Theatre in Exeter to watch the very colourful and very funny pantomime, Robin Hood. It was a very modern twist on the legendary tale of Robin & Marion with singing, dancing and audience participation. The children loved it but I think the adults enjoyed it more!
To create a picture that would last all year round, Woodpeckers spent a lot of time trying to capture the essence of each season in one picture of a lonely tree. They produced some stunning results and when the calendars were finally constructed, they went home as gifts for parents.
The whole school was pleased to be warmly welcomed back to St Mary's Church to perform their Harvest songs & poem to p
arents for the first time since 2019. The children all sang their hearts out & Woodpeckers sang some beautiful harmonies. All our gifts were donated to the Open Door charity.
We were transported back to Ancient Greece for a day, thanks to 'Portals to the Past'.
We listened to famous stories, myths & legends, learning about the Ancient Greeks and their Gods & Goddesses.
We were fascinated by Archimedes' screw, enabling water to be transported uphill!!
We were perplexed by the intriguing puzzles from that time.
We prepared for battle by learning to march & then practised our battle maneouvres.
We handled weapons and tried on armour, which would have been made to measure.
Finally we took part in our own version of the Ancient Greek Olympic Games.