As the academic year draws to a close, the Yr6s enjoy one last exciting adventure as Primary school pupils before embarking on their journey to Secondary school – a day out at Crealy!
A parody of all things 'James Bond', 'Mission Impossible' and other well-known spy thrillers. Four inept spies have to save the world by putting a stop to Dr. Yes' evil plans.
After months of preparation, we performed our End of Year Production, ‘Mission Implausible’ to the school, family & friends, supported by the Year 4 choir.
A full day of sport...and the weather was kind to us!
We started off by running the Golden Mile round the field to help us limber up, then the rest of the morning was spent working in our tractor group teams taking part in a variety of multi-skill activities, which had been organised and were run by the Yr6 Sports Leaders.
There was:
* Beat the Goalie;
* Throwing bean bags into hoops of varying values;
* Closest bean bag to the cone wins;
* Javelin throwing;
* Cricket skills;
* Standing Long Jump
The afternoon was full of running races in our tractor group teams, where we all tried our very best and had a fantastic time. The best races, of course, involved water!
Year 6s are taught how to check & maintain their bikes for road-worthiness, before learning the skills to keep themselves safe on the roads.
Art Club this term has resulted in some amazing creations thanks to the guidance of Mrs Alvey. Here are some pictures of their projects: