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Recent Activities and Photographs

Monday 3rd July 2023. Today we have been harvesting our potatoes.

May 2023. Today we had some chicks in class.

Friday 5th May 2023. The Coronation of King Charles III.

Tuesday 25th April 2023. Today the children designed and made fairies to go inside our fairy house.

This afternoon we have been planting potatoes in our classroom. The two varieties we planted were Casablanca and Shannon. We are going to track the progress of our potato plants.

Easter Hat Competition winners 2023

Wednesday 29th March. Our Easter Hat designs.

Wednesday 29th March. Our class underwater theme.

Tuesday 28th March 2023. Our Easter Service.

We are coming to the end of the Spring Term. The children have been working VERY hard on their writing. They are extreamly proud of their achievements.

Thursday 23rd March. Today is World Maths Day!

Tuesday 21st March 2023. Today we visited Court Farm near Weston Super Mare.

Friday 17th March 2023. We have been designing crosses to go in our local church over Easter.

Tuesday 14th March 2023. Today we had a visit from a farm.

Wednesday 8th March 2023. It's a snow day!

March 2023. Maths in Owls Class is always fun!

January 2023.

Tuesday 13th December. School trip to Exeter. We went to watch the Robin Hood panto.

Friday 9th December 2022. Owls Christmas Nativity.

Tuesday 6th December 2022. Our Key Stage One Nativity.

December 2022. We have been working hard on our writing over the last few weeks. Today, we also started designing our Christmas cards.

November 2022. The Owls are really getting into the swing of things! They have been working hard on their phonics, maths and continuous provision. All of the children have made outstanding progress since starting school.

October 2022. Today we visited the church in Kingston St Mary village.

October 2022. We all love playing with boxes and today we role-played a construction site. We used the tools to build a house. We talked about health and safety and why it's important to wear a hard hat.

October 2022. Today we have been cooking with Miss Rawlings!

October 2022. We have been learning about Harvest time and have been looking at the artist 'Giuseppe Arcimboldo'. Giuseppe Arcimboldo painted pictures of different fruits, vegetables, meat and fish together to make portraits of people. We had a go at creating our own.

October 2022. We love doing our maths everyday.

Wednesday 21st September 2022. The children in Owls are now coming to school for a full day. We are beginning to learn our sounds and learning how to write our names.

Tuesday 20th September 2022. Our core value for this half term is Compassion. Owl class have been talking about how the Queen led by example and showed us all the need for kindness and compassion.

13th September Today owls enjoyed a delicious lunch.

Friday 9th September 2022. We have really enjoyed our first week at school.

Monday 5th September 2022. Owls first day at school.

Thursday 1st September 2022. We are busy getting the classroom ready for the children.



The children in Owls spent the morning drawing self-portraits using #DrawWithRob on YouTube.


They had to use their listening skills and concentrate so that they could focus on each step-by-step instruction.


At the end, they had to personalise their portraits.


Aren't they fantastic!



To support the development of motor skills, children in Reception and Year 1 take part in Dough Disco on a daily basis. While dancing to music, the children manipulate dough to exercise their fingers in preparation for writing. It's really easy to do and the benefits are AMAZING!


The pictures below are Reception having their daily dose of 'Dough Disco'.

Yoga - 24th Sept 2021

W/C 14th June

This week the children have had lots of outdoor own learning! They have enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen and making obstacle courses for their bikes. The art area has also been very busy this week, lots of fantastic ideas and models being made out of junk. 


In Literacy we have been reading Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae. The children have enjoyed reciting the poems and having a little go at acting them out. The children have been sent home with a little booklet, for them to make their own animal fact file. 


In Maths the children have been working on doubling and halving numbers. 


As part of our seaside topic the children looked at floating and sinking. They did an experiment to see which objects float and which objects sink. We then moved on to making our own paper boats. 

Monday 7th June - The children in Owls Class released their butterflies today. They have enjoyed watching the magnificent transformation from caterpillar to butterfly and now hope that they will be able to spot them enjoying their new habitat in our beautiful school grounds.

W/C 24th May

This week the children have been enjoying the sunshine! They have loved being in the outdoor area. As you can see from the photos below, lots of wonderful own learning taking place! 


In Literacy the children have been  working on their letter formation and writing lots of independent sentences. In Maths the children have continued to work on numbers to 20 and beyond.


Over the last few weeks the children have enjoyed watching the caterpillars change in to their cocoons. Hopefully we will see some butterflies emerge when the children return after half term. The children have also loved watching their beanstalks grow. We have a feeling they will be pretty big when they return. 


The children have worked really hard this half term. We hope that you all have a lovely and well earned break! Enjoy the sunshine! 

W/C 17th May

W/C 10th May

What a busy week we have had in Owls!


In Literacy the children have produced some fantastic writing based on the story 'The Rainbow Fish'. Please ask your child to retell you the story, I am sure they can remember it! 


In Phonics, we have been recapping our set 2 sounds and learning how to write simple sentences. 


In Maths we have been writing all of our numbers to 10 and focusing on our 'teen numbers.' 


During own learning time the children have been collecting the rain water, measuring to see who had the most. This was great fun! 


We have also had fun making our laptops and creations out of cardboard boxes. 

W/C 10th May

W/C 26th April

W/C 19th April

Back in the classroom :)

Home/School Learning week 7

Home/School Learning week 6

Home/School Learning Week 5

School / Home Learning Week 4

Home / School Learning Week 3

School / Home Learning Week 2

Home/ School Learning Week 1

14/12/20 Christmas activities - Merry Christmas Owls!


As you can see from the photos the children have had a very busy week! In phonics the children have learnt the j , sh and V sounds.


During own learning time they have enjoyed playing with the pretend snow and cars, Mobilo and the outdoor role play shop. They have also helped to set up Santa's grotto and have been busy writing letters and wrapping presents. 


In Maths, The children have been learning to subitise numbers to 5 without counting the objects. E.G.   .. ...    ... ..     .... .   


This week the children learnt to recognise and write the l, h and r sounds. For 'r' the children had fun painting rainbows and colouring robots. 


In Maths we looked at sequencing. The children discussed their morning routines and we talked about what the words yesterday, today and tomorrow meant. 


Our story focus for the next few weeks is The Three Little Pigs. The children enjoyed retelling the story using small world toys and have made a house of straw, sticks and bricks. 



This week the children have been taught the e and f sounds. They used their playdough to create something beginning with f. 


In Maths we have been looking at 4 sided shapes. The children used lolly sticks and 2D shapes to create their own pictures.


Towards the end of the week we starting looking at night and day and discussing all the things we see at night. The children used water paints to paint a night time picture and also shared their bedtime routines.


The boys have all really enjoyed making robot cars out of Mobilo. There has been some fantastic creations made. 


This week the children have been learning to read and write the b and K sound. They have wowed us with their letter formation and blending of words. After reading Farmer Duck again the children wrote a sorry card to duck from the farmer. They all tried hard to sound out the words and to use some of our red words. 


We have had a new addition to the class this week and that was a cute little black cat. He is a little cheeky and likes to come in to the school. The children were so fascinated with him that they decided to draw his picture and to write him a card. 


In Maths we have learn't all about the number 5. They have learnt how to make 5 using 2 different numbers and to find one more than a number between 0-5. 


The art area was very popular this week. The children made cards, rockets, light sabers and robot heads. We have also been using a how to draw book to help us add more detail to our pictures. The Children also created a lovely Remembrance day display. 


The children have learnt to read and write the o and u sounds. They have also been wowing us with their blending and segmenting of simple CVC words. All of the children have been given a blending book and some have been given an additional book with words. Whenever you can, try to practice segmenting and blending simple words as this will help your child to hear how words are put back together. For example: It is time for b-e-d - bed. Remember to use the phonetic sound and not the letter name. 


The children really enjoyed painting pictures of fireworks using toilet roll tubes. We think they turned out really well. We also had a safety discussion about fireworks and sparklers. All of children had a very good understanding of this. 


In maths we looked at positional language and described where teddy was. We also started looking at number 4 in greater detail. Learning how to write it and finding different ways to make number four. The children were able to tell me 2+2 = 4, 2+1+1=4 and so does 3+1. 


This week the children have learnt to read and write the p and g sounds (phonemes). They are getting very good at writing the sounds using the pre-cursive strokes and naming objects beginning with those sounds. The children are becoming much more confident at hearing the sounds within words and today they tried to write some simple CVC words (cat, mat, pig). 


In maths the children have been learning all about the number 3. They have been finding all the different ways to make 3 and looking at different representations of it. 


Today (21st) the children enjoyed putting on their wet weather clothes and wellies and had a play in the rain. They also enjoyed a class discussion about Halloween and had the chance to draw their own scary pumpkins. 



This week the children have been taught to recognise and write the t, n and i sounds.  They have also been taught to read the tricky red words my, I , of, the. In Maths we have been learning all about the number 2. 


The children have enjoyed playing with the porridge oats - filling their tractors and hiding the animals for others to find. They have also enjoyed playing in the new outdoor Pizza Restaurant. 


The children have now been taught to recognise and write the the c,m,a,d and s sounds so far. They have also been taught to read the tricky red words my, I , of.


The children have been fantastic at remembering each red word and each sound. They are also learning to hear sounds within words so we are doing lots of segmenting and blending during our phonics lessons. For example m-a-n = man.


We are aware that writing the sounds may take a little longer and each child will develop these skills at different rates. Please do not worry if your child is not interested in writing them at this stage. 


The children enjoyed their first welly walk today. We went looking for signs of autumn. 

October 2020

We love own learning time

Academic Year 2020/21


Welcome to Owls Class! 


We are so pleased with how the new reception children have settled in over the last few weeks. It has been lovely getting to know all of the children. 


During the first 3 weeks of term the children were able to explore the classroom and all of the resources. The teachers were able to settle the children in and learn about their individual interests and abilities.


This week the children completed their first full week. They did really well to keep going and we are very proud of them.


This week In Phonics the children have learnt the c and m sound. They have been really good at naming objects beginning with these sounds and trying to write them using pre- cursive letter formation. We are aware that the writing may come at a later stage. 


In Maths the children have been sorting objects, comparing numbers using  'more and 'fewer' and making repeating patterns. 


During the afternoons we started our topic work on 'Farms'. The children have each painted a different farm animal and learnt some facts about some of the animals. 


The children have been given some sound cards to practise. We will be covering all of these sounds over the next few weeks. Practising these often will help the children to remember them. 


Today, the children thoroughly enjoyed their PE session with Miss story. Even though it was raining we managed to get outside in the outdoor classroom. 


Have a lovely weekend! 

Academic Year 2019/20

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Fantastic work on the children’s first week back at school!

The Hungry Caterpillar