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We are...Communicators

We are...Communicators

We have been thinking about different methods of communication, both digital and non-digital, and comparing the advantages & disadvantages of each.


We have been using 'Purple Mash' (a secure, creative & educational online space for schools) to learn how to use electronic mail (email) safely and securely.


  • We can open & respond to emails, sensibly.


  • We have composed & sent emails to each other in our class.


  • We have discussed how to stay safe when using email and together, we have written some important rules for everyone to follow.
  • We have responded to a simulated email (from the Queen), adding an attachment.




  • We have read & responded to a series of simulated email communications about personal information & this has helped consolidate our learning.








If you would like to know more about how we are sending and receiving emails within our secure work area, please pop in to talk with the Computing Tutor.