The whole school were invited to take part in an Easter bonnet competition. Here are some of the entries:
Woodpeckers were invited to 'witness' the Easter Story unfold before their very eyes - they became totally immersed in Jesus' last week on Earth.
We made the most of the snow on the field to build snowmen & have snowball fights!
Owls have been enjoying lots of maths activities with their 'Number Bond' partner.
Mrs Griffiths made them these t-shirts to wear every time they do maths in class.
World Book Day - Wednesday 1st March 2023
The Whole School took part in the World Book Day Activity: Dress Up a Potato Challenge
Their challenge was to turn an ordinary potato into a book character of their choice!
They could use pens, paint, fabric, paper, card, recycled items or any craft materials you may have at home to add features and costumes to your potato.
You can see from the photos the winners from each class and runners up.
Great thinking and artistry in their design.
The children also coloured in masks and created their own identity with how they designed it.
Take a look at the photos below to see what fantastic ideas were created.
Our school team enjoyed success against Staplegrove School with a 4-1 win. They were great ambassadors for our school showing great resilience, determination, super defending and an all round positive sporting attitude. Well done!
Woodpeckers spent some time off timetable this morning to sweep up lots of leaves and tidy the quiet area, the wooden trim trail area and the front of the school. Most of them were tired after all that work but they had great fun and are very proud of their achievements!
The Digital Leaders led an assembly for the whole school for Safer Internet Day. They talked about what Safer Internet Day means, why it is celebrated across the UK and then they read the story, "Hanni and the Magic Window" to promote this year's campaign:
For more information about this year's theme and how you can help your child stay safe online, please visit the UK Safer Internet Centre website by clicking this logo