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                                   Vision & Values

November 2024 at Kingston St Mary School

Our Christian Value for this half term is 'Perseverance'.

This value reflects our aim to support children to be the very best learners they can and to enable them to persevere in all aspects of their learning developing resilience when things are tricky. Our children demonstrate perseverance when things are challenging whether this is in learning or on the sports' field. It also reflect the lengths our staff go to in ensuring that all our children are supported to be the very best people they can be.


Mrs Griffiths


Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’ (Galatians 6:9)

"Perseverance is never giving up" .

November 2024 Our Christian value for this half term is 'Perseverance'.


The first half of the Summer Term focusses on ‘Service’.

Words relating to ‘servant’ and ‘service’ are central in Christian theology. Some of the most important prophecies in Isaiah speak of the coming of the ‘Servant of the Lord’ and his role as a ‘suffering servant.’ That is why Jesus said that he ‘came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ Jesus washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper. This turned upside down the normal relationship between master and disciple, leader and follower. In many ways, this astonishing action symbolizes the essence of the Incarnation: God stooping to share the human condition. Jesus is very clear about the meaning of his action: ‘Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done.’ The parable of the Good Samaritan shows we should serve those in need whoever they are. Such service is not offered to gain some advantage for ourselves. ‘Going the extra mile’ involves sacrifice, putting ourselves out for someone else’s benefit. Serving God means serving others. It also means that we cannot serve other masters as well - such as money. However, the Christian message is equally clear that service is not all about restrictions. It is precisely in a life of service that we become most truly free. How can we demonstrate our value of Service? Galatians 5:13-14 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbour as yourself”. • Think of others before yourself • Let someone go in the line before you. • Hold doors open and let people go first. • Pass the glue to someone before you use it. • Let someone play with a toy you wanted. Luke 10:33-34 But a Samaritan, as he travelled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. • Help people even if they are not your friend. • Put rubbish in the bin rather than on the floor- put the world first • Recycle as much as you can- put the world first • Donate some of your pocket money to charity

Our Value for this half term is 'Forgiveness'

Mark 11:25 “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”


Luke 6:37 “… Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”


Luke 11:4 “Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.”

Our value for this half term is forgiveness

Written by Year 6 pupils

Forgiveness can mean lots of things to lots of different people: throwing away hate, praying to God, solving conflicts between people. Forgiving someone can be hard, but not forgiving and holding onto grudges can be worse. Saying sorry can solve a lot of problems but forgiving someone can fix a lot of pain. Forgiving someone means letting go and forgetting the negative things they have done to you and helping them to be a better person and to feel better. It can help your mental health and well being too. At school, forgiveness in celebrated a lot and outlines being a better, kinder person. It is such an important school value because it links to all the others, especially love and dignity. At Kingston, that is what we are all aiming to be. When we forgive we learn a lot about ourselves.

At Kingston St Mary C of E Primary School, our Christian vision is for every child to achieve their emotional, physical and academic potential with an understanding of how to be good citizens of the wider world. ‘I came so that they could have life – indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest’ John 10:10


This, alongside our Core Christian Values  of Kindness, Respect, Responsibility and Resilience, drives all that we do and underpins everyday life in our school, enabling all to flourish.


This was recognised in our latest Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodists Schools (SIAMS) which stated that we are living up to our foundation as a Church School (Nov 2023). 

Our Chrisian Core Value for this half term is 'Perseverance'. Please share this newsletter at home with your friends and family.

November 2023 Displays around our school.

Wednesday 8th November 2023. The 'Voice of Values' ambassadors have arranged two events for over the next couple of weeks.

Voice of Values Council 2023 - 2024

Our Voice of Values Council has been established since 2017. The Voice of Values Council has a very important job in our Church of England school. Their responsibilities include:-

  • Being ambassadors and actively promoting our Christian Values
  • Planning, leading and evaluating Collective Worship
  • Organising and running fundraising events for our chosen charities
  • Working with the wider school community to promote 'Home School Values'


This year, the Voice of Values Council -which includes Florence, Edie, Judah and Erin - have helped to select these fundamental Christian values for us to reflect upon as a school during the academic year. The value for each half term, makes links to the Christian calendar, school events and celebrations, their own learning and to experiences they will have both inside and outside school.

In all that we do our values shine through!

Voice of Values Motto

Wednesday 18th October 2023. Harvest assembly with Mrs Griffiths. What harvest does God provide throughout the year?

Tuesday 17th October 2023. Today, we held our Harvest service in St. Mary's Church. The children presented their donations for the 'Open Door Charity' in our local town. Thank you for your generous donations.

Thursday 12th October 2023. Thank you to all the children who wrote a letter of application to become a 'Voice of Values' ambassador this year. Mrs Griffiths

Monday 9th October 2023. Today, during our collective worship, we asked the question... What is the spiritual meaning of harvest? We discussed God's provision for us and God's blessing for others. While we celebrate a harvest season just once a year, we experience the spirit of harvest all the time. Mrs Griffiths put the whole school into groups to write down some of our collective ideas.

We were very sad to see Mrs Robinson leave at the end of last term. She sent us this lovely thankyou card.

Tuesday 12th September 2023. Today we received a certificate from The Royal British Legion, thanking us for supporting their poppy appeal. As a school community, we raised £193.21.

Kingston St Mary C of E School. What is a Church School? How does it help our community to flourish?

Monday 11th September 2023. How can we show respect around our school, at home and in the wider community? As a school we discussed this terms Core Christian Value. Our Year five children led our assembly with Mrs Griffiths.

Friday 8th September 2023 'RESPECT' displays around our school.

Wednesday 6th September 2023

The Christian Value we are focusing on this half-term is Respect.


Respect has different meanings but all play a part in how Christians value themselves and the lives of others. Respecting those that love and care for us, our parents, carers and those in the local community, is common in all traditions. We should appreciate what's done for us, finding cooperation not conflict and take responsibility. Romans 13 states that we should 'Pay others the honour and respect you owe them'.


Respect for others - everyone is special; everyone's opinion matters; everyone's contribution is important; everyone's feelings should be considered; everyone's faith is sacred.


Respect can mean simply treating each other with politeness and courtesy, and recognising that everyone’s contribution is important and that everyone’s feelings should be considered. At Kingston St Mary, we regularly discuss how respecting someone does not mean that we always agree with the other person but that we are prepared to listen and share our views without rudeness or impatience. 


Christians recognise that respect needs to start with respect for ourselves and our own unique contribution to our homes, schools or communities. Having self-respect means being able to celebrate our gifts and talents, looking after ourselves and the bodies that God has given us. Having self-respect also means nurturing our talents so that we the best we can be, honouring how God has made us and being confident about who we are.



How do we live this out in school?


‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’  John 2


  • Respect yourself
  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated
  • Respect others’ thoughts, ideas and beliefs
  • Embrace difference
  • Look after your belongings and your equipment
  • Take care of our school
  • Take care of our environment
  • Gain respect by giving respect
  • Forgive others and seek reconciliation



‘I will show respect for myself, others and my school.’


We will be linking Respect to the story of ‘Jesus in the

Temple ’-John 2

Monday 3rd July 2023. Today, our Year six pupils led our assembly. The talked to the children about our school values, what they meant to them and how they they think they have been guided by them over their time at our school. How have they helped us to flourish?

Monday 12th May 2023. What does our School Vision mean? How can we live our lives through our vision? "I came so that they could have life - indeed, so that they could have life in its fullest".

May 2023 Humility displays around our school.

May 2023

Our Christian Core Value for next half term is Humility.


Why is humility important in school?


Humility is directly related to our ability and willingness to learn. Humble people are better learners and problem solvers. Humble students who are genuinely open to feedback often overtake their naturally more talented peers who think so highly of their own abilities that they reject all advice.

May 2023. The Coronation of King Charles III took place at Kingston today. We reflected on the true meaning of the Coronation and what it means to Christians across the world.

Our Core Value displays for this half term are based upon 'TRUST'.

April 2023. Our Core Value for this half term is 'TRUST'. Have a look at the newsletter below and share with your family. Trust is a really important value. It must be earned. If we do not trust someone it is very hard to build a good friendship with them. Talk to your children about: • people who you know that are trustworthy • practical ways that we can show others that we are trustworthy • why it is important to be able to trust others when working together as a team Trust is a particularly good value for our Y6 children to work on as they move on to secondary school and mature into teenagers.

Wednesday 29th March 2023. The Easter Hat Parade.

Wednesday 29th April 2023. Our Easter Hat designs.

Easter - The BIG questions!

Tuesday 28th March 2023. Our Easter Service with Reverend Jim.

Friday 17th March 2023. Today we have been designing crosses to go in the church.

Friday 20th January 2023. Our 'Voice of Values' ambassadors met up with Miss Greenslade to discuss our school rules. They came up with a new rule for a quiet and reflective area outside.

17th January 2023. Our Voice of Values ambassadors led an assembly today on 'Reverence'.

2023-2024 Ongoing SIAMS Self Evaluation Document - Working Document.

January 2023 Our 'Voice of Values' ambassadors have been discussing which charity they would like to support during this Spring term.

Spring Term 2023

Our Christian Core Value for this half term is 'Reverence'.

Reverence and Respect

By having a reverence for life, we enter into a spiritual relation with the world. By practising reverence for life we become good, deep, and alive.” Albert Schweitzer

We live in a magnificent world packed with jaw dropping marvels: from our vast universe populated by billions of stars to the minute marvels of the microscopic world.  The Bible teaches us to show reverence for the marvels of God’s creation. Although The Bible tells us that only God is worthy of reverence, we can honour and respect others.

Across Kingston St Mary school we will consider the following ideas:

  • Self-Respect – what gifts and talents and talents can we celebrate?
  • Respect for parents and carers – how can we honour those who help us?
  • Respect for others – do we show respect those who help us in all aspects of our lives?
  • Respect for the environment – we have a mutual responsibility to make sure that the gift of this creation is not spoiled.
  • Remembrance Day – showing respect for those that have made enormous commitments and sacrifices to preserve our liberty.
  • Reverence at Christmas – during this festival, we must show reverence to God for the gift of Jesus.
  • Look at first page of The Big Frieze by Emma Yarlett, which depicts the story of creation.

PSHE Links – Celebrating Difference.

Reverence and respect begins when we notice the plethora of magnificent things around us.  This same outlook is needed when celebrating the fact that every living thing is wonderfully unique.

Kingston St Mary School at Christmas 2022.

Tuesday 6th December. Key Stage One Nativity.

November 2022. This is our collection for Open Door, which is a charity for the homeless in Taunton.

11th November 2022. Today is Armistice Day and we remember the fallen. We have also been thinking about people who are suffering around the world at this time. Our oldest children created these beautiful pictures and reflected upon the suffering of others.

November 2022. Please take the time to read through this half terms Perseverance newsletter. It is a fantastic document to share with your family and friends.

November 2022. Our Christian Core Value for this half term is 'Perseverance'. Today, the whole school discussed the meaning of Perseverance and created a 'Road to Perseverance'. Mrs Griffiths was amazed by the outstanding ideas and knowledge demonstrated across the school.

Wednesday 12th October 2022. Owls first visit to our Church in Kingston St Mary.

Tuesday 11th October 2022. What have we learnt about Compassion as a school community?

October 2022. These are some of the applications Mrs Griffiths has received for children wanting to be a 'Voice of Values' school community ambassador.

Friday 7th October 2022

Voice of Values Council

2022 - 2023


The Voice of Values Council has a very important job in our Church of England School. Their responsibilities include;

  • Being ambassadors and actively promoting our Christian Values throughout our school community.
  • Planning, leading and evaluating collective worship.
  • Organising and running fundraising events for our chosen charities and helping our local church community with their events.
  • Working with the wider school community to promote 'Home School Values'.


Voice of Values Motto


" In all that we do our values shine through!"


Don't forget to hand your applications in to Mrs Griffiths by next Monday if you would like to be a 'Values' ambassador within our school community.

Tuesday 27th September. Mrs Griffiths has been thinking about 'What makes us a Church School?

Tuesday 20th September 2022. Our value for this half term is Compassion. The Queen led by example and showed us all the need for kindness and compassion. We have been discussing this as a whole school and individual classes.

Monday 27th June 2022. What makes a good Ecowarrior? How can we encourage people to look after God's creation?

Monday 27th June 2022. Today we have been creating a 'Promise Tree' which will be part of a 'Global Forrest of Promises'. As a school community we are thinking about how we can influence climate change. We will be sending these to our local MP and also photographs to the Prime Minister in London to give him some ideas about encouraging people to use more renewable energy and clean up the planet.

Friday 24th June 2022. Today we received a thank you card from Rev Mary and Rev Jim.

Tuesday 7th June 2022. Today, after reading a newspaper article, we have written to a construction company. We have been trying to persuade them to think carefully about moving a badger sett to a new home.

Monday 6th June 2022. World Environment Day 2022. 'Only One Earth'. We have been discussing what environment day is, exploring the theme 'Only One Earth' and learning ways to take action to reduce climate change, pollution and take care of God's Earth..

Monday 23rd May 2022. We enjoyed a brief visit from Reverend Jim today. He talked to us about 'Justice'.

Our Value for the second half of the summer term 2022 is Creation and Creativity.

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.” Carl Jung

Our new theme is Creation and Creativity. The Bible opens with an account of how God created the Universe and all the things within it.  Although Christians have different views on scientific accounts on the creation of the universe, all hold God as the creator.  Along with this gift, we have also been handed the responsibility for looking after this planet – something that most would agree that we could do a better job at.

  In collective worship, pupils will explore this theme in some of the following ways:

  • Explore accounts of creation
    • Genesis chapters 1-2
    • God the Creator – Job 38-41, Isaiah 40-45
    • Christ and creation – Colossians 1:15-16
    • Redemption and renewal – Romans 8:19-22
  • Obvious links can be made to environmental issues and the importance of our role as stewards of the planet.
  • Share this creation poem:
  • Share the first frieze of The Big Frieze’ by Emma Yarlett. What do children think it represents?  Can they create their own depiction of creation?
  • Play the opening to ‘The Creation’ by Joseph Haydn
  • Centre a discussion on the question: what does it mean to be creativity? Are only artists creative?

PSHE Links – Healthy Me

Explore the ideas that as God’s creation, we have a duty to God to keep ourselves, as well as the world around us, healthy.

Monday 16th May 2022. Today's assembly was organised by our 'Voice of Values' group. We discussed 'Vesak Day' , which was celebrated yesterday on Sunday 15th May 2022. The festival celebrates three major events in the life of the Buddha. Buddhists walk around the Buddha with candles. This is to remember that the Buddha showed people how to become enlightened. We then discussed how this related to our own faiths.

Monday 9th May 2022. Today, the voice of values group organised an assembly based on 'Justice' and the 10 rules to living a good life.

Mrs Griffiths travelled to St Lucia over the Easter holidays. She managed to set up some links between our 'Voice of Values' council and a St Lucian family. She visited two rural primary schools, interviewed pupils about how we can support them, spent time within family homes and experience local foods.

Friday 8th April 2022. Our Easter hat parade. Well done everyone!

Wednesday 6th April 2022. Our school Easter service.

Please have a look at our newsletter on 'JUSTICE', our Christian Core Value for the Summer Term. It contains some exciting activities to share with your family.

Our Christian Core Value for the beginning of the Summer Term 2022 is 'Justice'. 


“Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right.” (Psalm 106:3)

When thinking about ‘justice’, some people think first about giving wrongdoers the punishment they deserve. ‘Justice’ evokes ideas of ‘just deserts’, ’the punishment fitting the crime’, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’.

However, that would be a one-sided picture of justice. Justice also means giving all people – particularly the poor and oppressed – what it is right and fair for them to have: life, health, freedom and dignity. It is about acting out of a concern for what is right and seeing right prevail. It is about social justice, especially for those who suffer most and are least able to protect themselves.

In Exodus, the people are instructed to deal with everyone fairly and never to show partiality to one group above another (Exodus 23:2,6).The Bible emphasises that ‘The righteous care about justice for the poor’ (Proverbs 29:7).Isaiah says: ‘Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow’ (Isaiah 1:17). Justice is the ‘plumb line’ by which society is measured (Isaiah 29:17). According to Amos, its presence in society should be constant and abundant: ‘Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ (Amos 5:24)

Throughout the Bible, it is emphasised that justice is immensely important to God. It is fundamental to God’s character. ‘For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.’ (Psalm 11:7)

Justice is not about a culture which encourages everyone to insist on their own rights at the expense of others. It is about a community that knows that everyone’s well-being is bound up with that of everyone else.

A commitment to justice leads to fierce opposition to injustice in whatever form it may be found. Justice is a pre-requisite of peace: without justice there can be no peace.

We will be linking Justice to the story of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:41-52).

Friday 18th March 2022. Just look at this fantastic T-shirt! It has been especially designed by a Kingston pupil to promote 'World Peace'.

Friday 18th March 2022. This Red Nose Day we have been thinking about hero's in our community. People who really stand out by helping others.

Thursday 17th March 2022. This week the whole school has been thinking about children who live in countries with conflict. The 'Voice of Value' group asked the children to help them create three displays around our school with the theme of 'PEACE'.

Monday 14th March 2022. Mrs Griffiths led our collective worships today with the 'Voice' of Values' children. We asked the whole school to write a verse about PEACE on a heart. We will display these at the front of our school for the community to read.

Friday 11th March 2022. This week we have come together as a school to restart our whole school collective worship. It has been wonderful to spend time as a school community again and celebrate together in praise.

Thursday 10th March. Today we have been discussing our Core Christian Value 'PEACE'. We have also been talking about how we can raise money for the families in Ukraine.

Friday 4th March 2022. What is Red Nose Day? • Red Nose Day is a fundraising event run by Comic Relief. • Comic Relief is a UK charity which aims to create a just world free from poverty. • The money raised is used to transform lives in the UK and around the world. Why we’re taking part • Pupils learn valuable life skills and gain understanding and empathy for others in the world. • It’s a great way to get together for a giggle. • Our school can really make a difference to people’s lives. Where the money goes • £5 could provide school stationery to a child living in poverty in South Africa. • £10 could get 40 meals to children and families in need in the UK. • £50 could buy a bike for a health visitor in Ghana so they can provide vital health care for hard-to-reach families.

Thursday 10th February 2022. Next half term our Christian Value will be Peace. Have a look at the newsletter below with your family and discuss the true meaning of peace. Many thanks Jo Griffiths

Spring Term 2nd Half

Our Christian value for this half term is PEACE.

The Bible has so much to offer in this area of positive personal, relational and community values, and its timeless wisdom can help us as pupils and staff here at Kingston St Mary, pass on to others the qualities of life that are most valuable. When talking, discussing and reflecting on the Christian value, Peace, the following key ideas and themes are explored with the children –

• Inner peace – it is important for children to learn how to calm themselves down in any range of situation, to cope with a range of anxieties and fears, to enjoy silence, becoming more reflective (asking what does that really mean for me?), and cultivating a contented spirit i.e. at one with yourself.

• Peace between each other - During each academic year, the assemblies led by Miss Greenslade focus on friendships and being at peace between each other in school. The following themes are explored - making and keeping friends, sorting out arguments, making compromises, letting go of hostile feelings, building bridges, learning how to listen to each other. Some of this is discussed through role play, scenarios and listening to stories.

• Peace in the community – The theme of peace is developed further to look outwards into the community, respecting differences, listening and talking with those who hold opposite views to you, honouring each other, and finding common ground. Children need time to listen to differing viewpoints and learn respect for each other.

• Peace in the world – Ultimately, children need to discuss and explore the wider global aspects such as ending wars, working for peace and peacekeeping, talking not fighting.

• Peace with God – Last but not least, pupils need to learn and be taught about forgiveness. Christians believe that this is where it all must start for true peace be found both inside ourselves and between each other.

Key Bible verses

It is important that as staff we use key Biblical references to back up our Christian values, as this underpins why this Christian value is so central to us.

1 Peter 3:10-11 (quoting Psalm 34) 'Do you really love life? Do you want to be happy? Then stop saying cruel things and quit telling lies. Give up your evil ways and do right, as you find and follow the road that leads to peace' (CEV) Matthew 5:9: 'God blesses those who make peace. They will be called his children.' There are Key concepts to unpack with the pupils –

• Peace has a range of meanings, from silence to the ending of a war.

• Peace is something most people long for - an end to hatred, hurting and even harmful noise.

• But why is peace so hard to find? Are we frightened of silence? Are we incapable of living peacefully with each other, especially with those who are different from us?

• Finding and making peace is hard work and once it is found, it needs to be guarded very carefully Children have a greater understanding of the idea of peace when:

• They experience true silence – in church, at home or at school

• They make up with friends after a row – in the playground, in the classroom or at home

• They see people working together and burying their differences- at home with parents or older siblings, at school between staff, between friends,

• They hear about war and peace in their history lessons walk or on TV

• They hear about wars still going on today – in news, in assemblies, class discussions or chats between friends.

Display and reflective corner ideas - The following will be used in school over the term –

• Symbols of peace from different faiths and none include: a dove, an olive branch, a cross, a flaming torch, the Olympic rings, a CND badge and a rainbow. • A picture of a peace treaty being signed (from the web), weapons being laid down, enemies shaking hands, too hostile flags flying together, a calm lake scene.

• Pictures of Nobel Peace Prize winners.

• A Christmas manger with the words spoken by the angels of 'peace on earth'. Key questions to use with children:

• Where do you go to get some peace and quiet? How do you go about making peace with someone?

• What does the word 'peace' make you think of?

• What situations today need to find peace?

• What can you do to make this school a more peaceful place?

Bible Story links: The Bible can help us to explain and give answers to the children – Romans 12:17-18 'Try to earn the respect of others and do your best to live at peace with everyone.

• The prophets in the Old Testament foresaw the day when there would be an end to war - see Micah 4:1-5 (beating swords into ploughshares).

• Isaiah advises that a child will come one day who will be called 'The Prince of Peace' - see Isaiah 9:6-7.

• The angels sing of peace on earth when Jesus is born - see Luke 2:8-16.

• Jesus brings peace to the storm on Lake Galilee - see Luke 8:22-25.

• Paul talks of Jesus being the person who can bring peace between opposing groups of people - see Ephesians 2:14 -18.

• Paul prays for peace among the people to whom he writes - see 2 Corinthians 13:11-13. Isaiah's vision for peace

Our special Peace prayer for the term –Peace

A Prayer for Peace

Dear God,

We thank you for giving us your peace.

Help us to spread peace at home and at school by loving and caring for one another.

Help us to spread peace by listening to one another, even when we don’t agree. Help us to spread peace by sharing our time with those who are lonely and who need a friend.

Help us to spread peace by thinking and praying for children who have no food or who are frightened and live in fear.

Let us pray every day for peace for our families, for our friends and for ourselves.



Please remember to have a look at our newsletter on PEACE with your family and friends. 

Jo Griffiths

Spring Term 2022

Value for this half term – Hope

The value for the start of 2022 is ‘hope.’ This value is more than just wishing for things to be different, it is about believing that things either in our own personal world or the wider world can be better and being prepared to do something. At this time of year individuals and families often make New Year resolutions. As a family you might talk about your hopes and dreams for the future and what you can do to make them happen. Albert Einstein said ‘Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.’ In our assemblies we will be looking at what hope is, hopes related to our Rights and hopes for world peace. Have a super Christmas! Mrs Griffiths

Tuesday 14th December 2021. Throughout the school year, we will be focussing on the different Christian values. We hope your family will find these ideas helpful as you explore the value and have fun together. Our Value for next half term is 'Hope'.

Friday 10th December 2021. It's 'Save the Children' Christmas Jumper Day!

Monday 6th December. Voice of Values Questionnaire results. How do Robins feel about Kingston St Mary School?

Hi everyone! I have found these fantastic links to assemblies you can share at home. They are linked to our Christian Values and we will be sharing them during our Collective Worship at school. Mrs Griffiths

Faith at home collective worship videos are shared here:  Kindness  Hope Courage Love Generosity Flourishing


Our Bible bites are shared here: Forgiveness Love Trust Promises Courage Faith

Monday 29th November. Advent assembly with Reverend Jim.

Monday 22nd November 2021. This week our 'Voice of Value' representatives and some Year 6 pupils led our Monday assembly. They helped Mrs Griffiths to ask questions about Christianity. What do Christians believe about God and incarnation?

Wednesday 17th November 2021. This week in assembly, Mrs Griffiths has been asking the children their opinions of our school. Why would we recommend our school? Is the behaviour of our pupils good? Do we know how to help other children? How are we encouraged to be healthy? How do we know how we are doing in our learning? How does my school encourage me to treat people equally? How could we improve our school?

Friday 12th November 2021. Our 'My Feelings about Kingston St Mary School' Questionnaire being introduced by our 'Voice of Values' leaders.

Friday 12th November. 'Voice of Values' Questionnaire organised by the children and Mrs Griffiths. My Feelings about Kingston St Mary School.

Thursday 11th November 2021. Armistice Day assembly and two minute silence. The children commented on the stillness and peace, as the autumn leaves fell around them on the playground.

Monday 8th November 2021. Today in assembly Mrs Griffiths asked the children some questions. They were asked to brain storm and then feed back to the rest of Key Stage 2. How does our Collective Worship help us to feel peace within ourselves? What is the Holy Spirit and how can it help us? How does our school encourage all members of our community to be truthful? How far does the school help us to understand that life is about a search for the truth and meaning? How does our school equip us to make informed moral choices? Why do we enjoy coming to a church school?

Monday 18th October 2021. Rev Jim popped down to tell us a bible story for our assembly today and play us some tunes on his guitar.

Wells Cathedral Competition 'Design a Planet'.

Friday 15th October 2021. Today, we took part in a 'Global Run'. This event has been organised to link communities around the world as we all come together for a fifteen minute run. All the children and teachers took part. It was lovely to see how the older children encouraged and supported the younger ones to persevere and keep going!

Wells Cathedral Festival of the Moon

15th October 2021


The Museum of the Moon is a touring artwork by Luke Jerram. At an approximate scale of 1:500,000, each centimetre of the internally lit spherical sculpture represents 5km of the moon’s surface. The installation is a fusion of lunar imagery, moonlight and surround sound composition created by BAFTA and Ivor Novello award winning composer Dan Jones. 

The Museum of the Moon will be presented in Wells Cathedral from 12 October – 3 November 2021, and will be accompanied by a constellation of events culminating in the Festival of the Moon. Some of the children from Robins class are lucky enough to be visiting this event. We have also entered the Cathedrals competition to 'Design a Planet'. Hopefully, we'll win a Wells Cathedral goodie bag!

Voice of Values Council 2021-2022

In all that we do our values shine through!

Voice of Values Motto

Our Voice of Values Council has been established since 2020. The Voice of Values Council has a very important job in our Church of England school. Their responsibilities include:-

1) Being ambassadors and actively promoting our Christian Values

2) Planning, leading and evaluating Collective Worship

3) Organising and running fundraising events for our chosen charities

5) Working with the wider school community to promote 'Home School Values'

This year, the Voice of Values Council includes Posy, Chloe, Harry and Cohen- have chosen a value for each half term, making links to the Christian calendar, school events and celebrations, their own learning and to experiences they will have both inside and outside school. The children in each class voted democratically for their representative. Mrs Griffiths



‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’

Galatians 6:9


Song link: You Raise Me Up – Josh Groban


Bible Story: The Parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8) ‘Yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice.’


Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’

“For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think,  yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”

And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”



Our Christian Core Value for next half term is Perseverance. Have a look at the newsletter below and share with your family. I have also included a power point which we will use to introduce the value to our school community. Mrs Griffiths

Kingston Family Harvest Festival

Sunday October 17th at 11am

Jackie Laws from Send a Cow will talk about the project we support in Kenya. 

This will be followed by ploughman's lunch and fruit juice.

Harvest offerings for Open Door would again be gratefully appreciated, non perishables if possible.

Thursday 7th October 2021. Our Harvest celebration at Kingston St Mary School.

Our Harvest Festival collection will be on Thursday 7th October 2021. We will be collecting for 'Open Door' which is a charity based in Taunton. This is a charity which helps people that we as a community, encounter daily. It is very close to all our hearts. 

Open Door exists to support rough sleepers and those who are in temporary accommodation.

Doors open at 9:30 for rough sleepers who can have hot showers, breakfast and clothes washed and dried. Clients are also able to access our donated clothing store. In the mornings they have the Outreach Team who offer practical advice and support about housing, addictions and health.

In addition to this daily support they have volunteers who provide a reading group, a make and mend group and people who are there to read the paper and have a chat with. They also have support from the Samaritans and various other groups daily.

Following on from this is their tailored support packages which offer practical advice and guidance in the short and longer term. 

Truthfulness – Telling the truth, honesty is something that we all would like to receive but it is sometimes more difficult to find in everyday life. Sometimes it is hard to make a wise choice to tell the truth.

Jesus said ‘I am the way the truth and the life’ John 14 v6

A lie has many variations, the truth none – African Proverb

On Monday 27th September 2021 we shared a whole school assembly on the theme of ‘Truthfulness’ which is our value for this half term. The children enjoyed being organised into groups. During the assembly they had the opportunity to learn about Abraham Lincoln, to hear the story of the ‘truth stick’, as well as making their own, and role play moral dilemmas. We learnt the importance and value of telling the truth, even though it might be difficult. 

Today we launched our new school prayer!

Friday 1st October 2021. Our 'Voice of Values' group leading our assembly this week on 'Truthfulness'.

Friday 27th September 2021. Robins class have been drawing sunflowers to decorate our local church.

Friday 10th September 2021. Our Christian Core Value for this half term is 'Truthfulness'. Please share the newsletter below with your family and discuss. Many thanks, Jo Griffiths.



11th July is World Population Day

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. The World Population Dashboard showcases global population data, including birth rate, gender parity in school enrolment, information on health, and much more. Together, this data shines a light on the health and rights of people around the world, especially women and young people.

Armed Forced Day


Sunday 26th June

Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets. There are many ways for people, communities and organisations across the country to show their support and get involved.


Although Armed Forces Day is not a charitable event, the Armed Forces have the support of several UK charities and many local events will offer opportunities to support them. To find out more about Armed Forces charities please have a look on their website.

Many thanks

Jo Griffiths

Virtual Pilgrim Days 2021

As we can’t join together this year as planned, we thought that you might like to take part in the Pilgrim Days at home. A web page has been set up with everything you need. This is aimed at Yr4 and Yr6 children moving on from First and Primary or Junior to Middle or Secondary school. Please follow the link below to take part.

Many thanks

Jo Griffiths

Bath and Wells Diocese | Virtual Pilgrim Days

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education at Kingston St Mary School

At Kingston St Mary School SMSC is promoted throughout our curriculum in lessons, in competitions, fund raising, assemblies, concerts, shows, trips and visits, visitors to the school etc...

Below is a summary of what Spiritual. Moral, Social and Moral development means for our children.

Spiritual Development


  • Children participate in Religious Education where they explore their own religious and spiritual identities, as well as those of their classmates. We invite in guest speakers from a variety of faiths and local places of worship.
  • Children participate in visits to places of worship every year.
  • We celebrate significant experiences such as birthdays and festivals and ensure that children have the opportunity to feel special and valued.
  • We create opportunities where children can develop awareness of the world and its capacity to inspire awe and wonder. We have a curriculum which comprises of imaginative learning projects that are creative, flexible, thematic, inspiring and engaging. We encourage children to use imagination and creativity in their learning.
  • We plan times for children to take part in opportunities to be quiet and reflective. We give them space for their own thoughts, ideas and concerns.

Moral Development


  • We encourage children to respond appropriately to the needs and feelings of others and to show consideration and kindness to others.
  • We create opportunities for children to learn from people who are excellent models of positive behaviour.
  • We teach children to communicate in ways that will enable them to form positive relationships and enjoy participating in school and community life.
  • We give children opportunities across the curriculum to explore and develop moral concepts and values – for example, personal rights and responsibilities, truth, justice, equality of opportunity, right and wrong.
  • We also provide models of moral virtue through literature, humanities, sciences, arts, assemblies and acts of worship.
  • We want them to recognise the difference between right and wrong, and respect the civil and criminal law of England.

Social Development


  • We provide a range of activities which develop children’s social skills and understanding, like how to care for people, living things, property and the environment.
  • We teach children to work cooperatively as a member of a group or team, taking turns and sharing within a range of social contexts.
  • We create opportunities for children to develop positive relationships with peers and adults, including those who have different needs.
  • We teach children to help and support others and to experience being helped by others.
  • We teach a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, and with a range of needs and abilities.

 Cultural Development


  • We celebrate each other’s cultural identities and teach children to value their own cultural heritage and develop a positive, personal identity, and to show respect for other people’s values and beliefs.
  • We want our children to demonstrate an understanding of the range of different cultures within the school “and further afield” as preparation for life in modern Britain.
  • We encourage children to participate in, and respond positively to a range of artistic, musical, sporting, mathematical, technological, scientific and cultural opportunities.
  • We provide opportunities for children to experience and respond positively to the languages, food, music, artefacts and cultural practices of different and diverse communities present and past.
  • We encourage children to show an interest in exploring cultural diversity and show positive responses towards different religions, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.
  • We celebrate our cultural diversity.

 Teaching and Organisation

Development in SMSC takes place across all curriculum areas, within activities that encourage pupils to recognise the spiritual dimension of their learning, reflect on the significance of what they are learning, and to recognise any challenges that there may be to their own attitude and lifestyle.

Class discussions and circle time will give pupils opportunities to:

  • Talk about personal experiences and feelings.
  • Express and clarify own ideas and beliefs.
  • Speak about difficult events, eg bullying, death etc.
  • Share thoughts and feelings with other people.
  • Explore relationships with friends/family/others.
  • Consider others’ needs and behaviour.
  • Show empathy.
  • Develop self-esteem and a respect for others.
  • Develop a sense of belonging.
  • Develop the skills and attitudes that enable pupils to develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally — eg empathy, respect, open mindedness, sensitivity, critical awareness

Below are just some examples of how we have promoted SMSC in the last few years.


Children have been thinking back on their learning both last year and this term and thinking of what was good and how to improve.

  • In our Harvest assembly we reflected upon what we were sharing with others.
  • All classes to make a trip to a place of worship. KS2 classes have visited a local Mosque in recent years.
  • Assembly theme of New Beginnings.
  • Remembrance and 2 minutes silence in school.
  • Our musical concerts.
  • Interhouse competition promotes personal values.
  • Residential trips promote team building and reinforce personal values.
  • Christingle Assembly was very spiritual and provided opportunity for reflection and wonder.
  • In Autumn we did a lot of work around Remembrance Day. We have listened to music of the WW1 era, thought a lot about what remembrance means, why we should remember, held a special assembly about remembrance and had the 2 mins silence. The children learnt and sang two quite emotional and beautiful songs for the assembly.
  • We have also thought about peace in its many different forms – from world peace, to peace within our school to how to gain peace within ourselves.
  • The use of our allotment and our gardening club with Mrs Griffiths promotes fascination and a sense of awe and wonder.
  • Our Harvest Assembly had a focus on a rainbow of colours in the foods around us and we thought about how beautiful the world around us is.
  • All of our Y6 children have monitor jobs that give them responsibilities to support staff and younger children.
  • There has also been a theme of Peace in some of the assemblies and we have referenced the troubled countries such as Afganistan.


  • We have had a big focus on Anti- Bullying . Children in Y5&6 will be focusing on cyber bullying.
  • The importance of manners has been explored in assembly.
  • In assemblies we acknowledge moral virtue in terms of celebrating achievement and behaviour both inside and outside of school.
  • We have an annual School Travel Plan and we think about being safe, parking etc.
  • We took part in National Road Safety Week and the school council sent out leaflets about keeping safe.
  • Supporting an international charity – Sports Relief. We also work together with our local church when fundraising for 'Send a Cow', a project in Kenya.
  • Our football and netball teams are practicing and have been participating in inter school matches.
  • We also supported a local charity – Fearn Animal Sactuary in 2021. 
  • We had a harvest assembly where we collected food to donate to Homeless Action in Taunton. 
  • We have supported a national charity – Children in Need. Children and staff came to school in fancy dress.
  • Assemblies on Mondays with Mrs Griffiths have followed the theme of “Values”. We also focus on exploring emotions, happiness, excitement, fright, pride, confusion, nervousness, shame, jealousy & loneliness.  The summary of the feeling assemblies is talking about how we are all different and we are all special.
  • We had a half term of assemblies based around friendships.
  • We had another half term of assemblies based around Aesops fables and the messages we can learn from them.


  • We have introduced more clubs and these have been very well received.
  • Our football and netball teams are practicing and we will be participating in inter school matches.
  • Other assemblies looked at What is a code of conduct and why do we need school rules? Assemblies then looked at each of the statements in our code of conduct – respect, responsibility, compassion, integrity.
  • Other assemblies are about people who help us – at home, at school, when we are ill, in an emergency, in the community, when we are travelling and how can we help others.
  • Reinforcing school rules and class rules makes children think about their own personal qualities and social skills.
  • Our many and varied clubs encourage participation in the wider life of the school and in events in the local area.
  • Our regular House events encourages participation, co-operation, problem solving, co-operation and participation and working with children across the school of different ages.
  • The Headteacher’s assemblies on Fridays to the whole school have continued to celebrate children’s achievements in and out of school.


  • We celebrate Black History Month with Mrs Griffiths. Each class does lessons and we have an assembly. The theme was Martin Luther King and his speech – ‘I have a dream.’ 
  • We display labels in French in each class so that it is evident that we learn French at this school.
  • Concerts include songs sung in different languages.
  •  Displays around the school feature our global community and labels are often written in different languages.
  • We try to appreciate the personal influences of others e.g selling poppies.
  • There has also been a theme of  British identity in assemblies focusing on respect, traditions  and rule of law.
  • The local vicar leads some assemblies. We have also had representatives from other religions take assemblies and hold workshops for the children to ask questions in.


Our value for this half term is responsibility. This means the obligation to behave well, having a duty to fulfil. In Kingston St Mary School this may be shown as: making good decisions about our own behaviour, taking responsibility for our learning, being independent, bringing the correct equipment and PE kit to school, handing homework in on time, caring for others. Responsibility also includes thinking about being a good citizen and caring for our environment.

Thursday 27th May 2021. Well done Gracie for supporting her local community and completing a 'Litter Pick'.

Thursday 27th May 2021. Our Christian Core Value for next half term is 'Responsibility'. At Kingston we aim for all the children to take responsibility and grow in independence as they mature in school. We aim for all children to understand and show what it means to be responsible, becoming independent and role models to others by always doing the right things even when no one is looking. ‘Whatever you do, do it from the heart for the Lord and not for people’ Colossians 3:23.

Our Pentecost Windmills. During Pentecost, we made some windmills as a reminder that although we cannot see the wind or the Holy Spirit, their power is still around us.

Wednesday 26th May 2021. 'Fruit of the Holy Spirit'. The Holy spirit gives us special gifts. These gifts bear fruit in our lives. This means that when we receive the gifts, others can see the effects of the Holy Spirit active in our lives, our work, our families and in the way we treat others.

Wednesday 26th June 2021. Doves are often used as symbols for the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday 25th May 2021.During Pentecost, the desciples could not see the Holy Spirit but they could feel wind blowing through the room and see tongues of fire. We made some windmills as a reminder that their power is all around us.

Tuesday 18th May 2021. Well done to Imogen and her family for their community 'Litter Pick'.

Monday 10th May 2021. Well done to Finlay and his family for spending the weekend 'Litter picking' around the local community. Providing an excellent 'service' to the residents and wildlife. Today in class we talked about the importance of working together for the community.

Friday 7th May 2021. Displays around our school which are closely linked to our Christian Core Values.

Robins class 'Service' Posters Designs.

Helping Hands Designs. Ready to help in and around our community.

Wednesday 28th April 2021. Today we have been thinking about 'Service' and how we help others everyday. We talked about some of the ways we have supported others in the last 12 hours and wrote them down on post-it notes. Hopefully tomorrow we'll have even more!

Kingston St Mary School is supporting the British Red Cross 3rd - 9th May 2021.

Virtual collections make it even easier to fundraise for the British Red Cross.

What is Red Cross Week?

Red Cross Week is a great time of the year. It ties in with World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. This is an annual celebration of their Movement's work across the world. It's celebrated in May each year.

How our virtual collection will help

The British Red Cross plays a vital role in emergency response, and the ongoing, ever-changing situation concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is no exception.

In times of crisis, they're here to help people. They're local and they're global and they've been doing this for 150 years. Their network of incredible staff and volunteers means they are uniquely placed to reach people in fearful, uncertain times. 

But it’s the generosity of supporters like you that enables their work to happen quickly and efficiently. With your help, they'll continue to provide vital humanitarian, individual support for the most vulnerable, and those who fall through the gaps.

How does a virtual street collection work?

Set up your fundraising page by clicking their website and join the largest British Red Cross virtual street collection! Send the link to your friends and family via email, social media, or even text message! Ask for donations, no donation is too small to help vulnerable people.

How long can I fundraise for?

The main 'Virtual Bucket Shaker appeal' dates will be 4-10 May (when Red Cross Week was originally planned), however you can start fundraising now and keep going as long as you like! 

Are there other ways I can get involved?

Get creative and organise your own virtual fundraising event: a virtual quiz, yoga, bingo, the possibilities are endless! You can donate by phone, or online by contacting your local fundraiser at or 0300 456 1005.   Many thanks

Jo Griffiths

Monday 26th April 2021. Today we have been serving others by undertaking a 'Litter Pick'. We were amazed by the things we found. We will try to recycle as much as we can.

Friday 23rd April 2021. Today we have been planting French beans. We are going to sell these beans to raise money for Fern Animal Sanctuary's 'Happy Feet Appeal'. Did you know that sheep and goats need to have their feet checked every 8 weeks? It costs £50 to buy some food dip to prevent foot rot. Robins class have decided to try and help these beautiful creatures and support the Sanctuary this year.

Thursday 23rd April 2021. 'World Earth Day'. We have been discussing the world God built for us. We designed T-shirts to try and encourage people to care about it.

Spring 2021. Values power point for parents.

April 2021. Parent/carer information leaflet 'Service'.

Tuesday 20th April 2021         Our Christian Value


The first half of the Summer Term our school will focus on ‘Service’.


Words relating to ‘servant’ and ‘service’ are central in Christian theology.  Some of the most important prophecies in Isaiah speak of the coming of the ‘Servant of the Lord’ and his role as a ‘suffering servant.’  That is why Jesus said that he ‘came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’


Jesus washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper.  This turned upside down the normal relationship between master and disciple, leader and follower.  In many ways, this astonishing action symbolizes the essence of the Incarnation: God stooping to share the human condition.  Jesus is very clear about the meaning of his action: ‘Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done.’ 


The parable of the Good Samaritan shows we should serve those in need whoever they are.  Such service is not offered to gain some advantage for ourselves.  ‘Going the extra mile’ involves sacrifice, putting ourselves out for someone else’s benefit.


Serving God means serving others.  It also means that we cannot serve other masters as well - such as money.  However, the Christian message is equally clear that service is not all about restrictions.  It is precisely in a life of service that we become most truly free.


How can we demonstrate our value of Service?


Galatians 5:13-14    You, my brothers, were called to be free.  But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.  The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbour as yourself”.


  • Think of others before yourself.
  • Let someone go in the line before you.
  • Hold doors open and let people go first.
  • Pass the glue to someone before you use it.
  • Let someone play with a toy you wanted.



Luke 10:33-34   But a Samaritan, as he travelled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.  He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.  Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him.

  • Help people even if they are not your friend.
  • Put rubbish in the bin rather than on the floor-put the world first.
  • Recycle as much as you can- put the world first.
  • Donate some of your pocket money to charity.

Our Christian Value for next half term is 'Service'

Easter Half Term - Please go and visit our beautiful local church. Robins have a wonderful display in the entrance. The church yard is also full of daffodils and blossom filled trees.

Thursday 1st April. Children enjoying hot cross buns and Easter biscuits in our schools reflective garden.

Well done to Jesse who won our Easter raffle! Children in Robins were given a raffle ticket for demonstrating a Christian Value. Jesse won a Maltesers egg and a years family membership to Fern Animal Sanctuary.

Thursday 25th March. Today Robins' class have been thinking about God as part of our English work. God is......

Thursday 25th March. Our new 'Voice of Values Council' hoodies have arrived. They even say our motto on the back, "In all that we do our values shine through".

Wednesday 24th March Designing and decorating our Easter Tree which can be found in our Reflective area.

Easter Animation

In this animated video, our talented illustrators have brought The Last Supper to life. Lovingly drawn and clearly narrated, I think this short film would be perfect for you to share at home with your family. Pause the film at intervals and encourage the children to discuss what they’re watching in real-time.



Easter at Kingston St Mary

Easter is going to be very different this year at Kingston St Mary School for a second year running. We are looking forward to reflecting with the children within our bubbles about the importance of the Easter story. The Diocese of Bath and Wells have a collective Worship YouTube Play List; there is a series telling each part of the Easter Story:
The image is a cross on coloured mosaic labelled Collective Worship: 

Story 1:  (Introduction Easter the most important story) 

Story 2: (Palm Sunday) 

Story 3: (Jesus in the temple) 

Story 4: (Last Supper)

Over the Easter holidays, it would benefit the children to look over our ‘Church Distinctiveness’ page on our website. During the summer term, I am hoping to start our ‘Voice of Values’ Council which will replace our ‘School Council’. Pupils will be able to access key information about taking part on the website.

Voice of Values Motto

"In all that we do our values shine through!"

Mrs Griffiths



What is 'Forgiveness'?


Chloe - Yesterday I forgave someone for being mean.

Theo - This week I forgave someone for saying I wasn't their friend.

Jesse - Once, when I was going to football, the ball hit me in the face, I forgave them.

Thomas - When someone hurt me I forgave them.

Kingston - A long time ago someone hit me with a hockey stick and I forgave them.

Rhys - Our team had to forgive because someone kicked our ball over the hedge.

Forgiveness is our Christian Value for this half term. We collaged the letters from the word 'Forgiveness' and displayed them at the front of our school for our community to reflect upon.

Friday 19th March. School displays linked to our school values.

Friday 19th March 2021. Red Nose Day fundraising event.

March 2021. Bible Stories linked to our Christian Value 'Forgiveness'.

February 2021. Our Christian Value for this half term is 'Forgiveness'. Please have a look at the leaflet below and share with your family. Mrs Griffiths.



Forgiveness is fundamental to the character of God. Throughout the Bible, God is described as slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin (Numbers 14:18).

Jesus was uncompromising in his command to forgive. Forgive, he said, ‘seventy times seven’ (Matthew 18:21). In other words, forgive and keep on forgiving without limit.


Forgiveness was at the heart of everything he did and is at the heart of the Lord’s Prayer. When Jesus declared a person’s sins to be forgiven, it often aroused the anger of those who were less willing to forgive than he was and yet a prayer for the forgiveness of his persecutors was on Jesus’ lips as he died. Christian preaching has always put forgiveness at the centre.


We forgive because we are forgiven. Paul says: ‘Be compassionate and kind to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.’ (Ephesians 4:32)


The parable of the Unjust Steward tells of a servant who was forgiven his large debt only to be condemned because he refused to forgive a small debt owed to him.


Forgiveness cannot be given or received unless it is asked for, and the asking must be genuine and from the heart. Too often ‘sorry’ is said very easily, implying: ‘All I need to do is say I’m sorry and everything will be OK’. Real repentance demands that we take what we have done wrong with the utmost seriousness and have a deep desire not to do it again.


The whole sacrificial system in the Law of Moses was based on the principle that forgiveness requires sacrifice. Animal sacrifices are no longer offered, but the truth remains that forgiveness is costly to all involved. Once we understand that, forgiveness can be truly liberating both for the person who is forgiven and for the person who forgives.

Voice of Values Council

2020 - 2021


The Voice of Values Council has a very important job in our Church of England School. Their responsibilities include;

  • Being ambassadors and actively promoting our Christian Values throughout our school community.
  • Planning, leading and evaluating collective worship.
  • Organising and running fundraising events for our chosen charities and helping our local church community with their events.
  • Working with the wider school community to promote 'Home School Values'.


Voice of Values Motto

" In all that we do our values shine through!"

Monday 25th January 2021. Has your child shown a Christian value at home? Download a values feather. Add your child’s name and the value demonstrated around the feather below. When complete, please hand it in or post it to the office who will pass it on to Mrs Griffiths. We will share this with your child’s classmates.

We are a Church School.

How do you know?

On, Friday 22nd January 2021, our Key worker children gathered to reflect on our school Christian Values. I also asked the children, “How do you know we’re a Church School?" The responses from the children were astounding and heartening to the efforts of all involved with our school. Well done everybody!

Mrs Griffiths

Freya Y6

“We have Christian Values”

“It says it in the name of our school”

“We learn about all religions in RE”

We are loving and caring”

Kingston Y4

“We visit the Church”

“It says it on our jumpers”

“We visit the Church for festivals and services”

“We talk about the values in the bible”

Ruby Y4

“People from the church come here and talk to us”

“We hear bible stories and we talk about them”

Isla Y6

“We have assemblies and we pray”

“We pray for others”

“Posters around our school remind us of Jesus”

“We are thankful for Jesus”

Oakley Y5

“We talk about the compassion of God the Father and the strength of his son”

Wilson Y3

“We live near the church”

“We have bible stories”

“We have lots of bibles in our school”


Home School Values


Home School Values is a resource which allows us to share stories and a range of fun activities for the all family, linked to our Christian Values. By exploring each of our Christian Values at home, you are promoting your Child's Spiritual and Moral Development whilst learning and sharing time together. Please take some time during this lockdown to look at the activity sheets for each value we are learning about.  

Please see the link to this website below. 


Many thanks for your ongoing support during this difficult time. Mrs Griffiths

Kingston’s Christian Core Values




At Kingston St Mary School, we have defined the Core Values that underpin our thoughts and actions. Not only when we are at school but also throughout our day-to-day lives. These values have been clear to see over the last few weeks since going back into another lockdown. We have felt extremely proud of all our school community. I have spent today mulling over how children at our wonderful school demonstrate their understanding of our Christian values. Mrs Griffiths.

Wisdom at Kingston St Mary – we make good choices. We wait for negative emotions like anger, fear or resentment to pass before taking action, wherever we are. We consider the thoughts of others as well as our own. We approach each day with an open mind and a readiness to learn.

Justice at Kingston St Mary – we treat others, as we would like to be treated. We are truthful and honest in all we do. We show self-discipline in the face of our desires and are concerned with the well-being of others.

Courage at Kingston St Mary – we are brave when faced with a challenge and persevere when things are tough. We are not reckless but willing to take necessary risks when fear, embarrassment or the opinion of others might otherwise discourage us from doing what is right and proper.

Compassion at Kingston St Mary – we help those who need help, not just our friends. We are forgiving of others who have made poor choices and show care and concern for all. We put others before ourselves and show kindness in all we do.

Belief at Kingston St Mary – we believe in everyone. We know that hard work and good intentions make a difference. We look to the future with positivity and high expectations and work hard to achieve our dreams and ambitions.

Respect at Kingston St Mary – we are kind and polite to everyone. We are tolerant of people of all faiths, cultures and backgrounds and honour the achievements and qualities of others.

Responsibility at Kingston St Mary – we keep our word. We take care of our work, always conduct ourselves responsibly and follow the rules, both in out and of school. We accept our failures and mistakes without excuses and with a willingness to improve and persevere.

Examples of how we will share our Core Values at Kingston St Mary School 

Our actions. These values apply to everyone and we lead by example.

Language. These words permeate everyday school life. 

Planning and Marking. Where possible, we reference our values in lessons and when marking books. 

Displays. Classrooms have a dedicated display to the Core Values. Mrs Griffiths has also developed a permanent display in the hall. 

Facebook. We highlight our children’s achievements on Facebook and always try to link their learning or actions to our Core Values.


Assemblies. Assemblies are specifically linked to a Core Value to help the children clearly understand their true meaning and why they are so important. 

Core Value Certificates. These are awarded in Celebration Assemblies and are linked to a Core Value and explained as such when being awarded. 

Communication. Letters to parents, the school website and Newsletters raise awareness and promote our Core Values. 

Our values are clear, simple to understand and will support our children in their development both inside and outside the classroom. Kingston St Mary prides itself not only in providing an excellent education for its pupils, but also in developing young people into well-rounded individuals who make positive contributions to the society in which they live.

Mrs Griffiths


Spring Term 2021. Our 'Value for Life' for this half term is Wisdom. Please have a look at our newsletter and watch the power point presentation with your family. Mrs Griffiths.

Wednesday 16th December 2020. Christmas Nativity Day.

Thursday 3rd December 2020. Below is a poster for our local churches ‘Christmas in a Bag’ activities as they are unable to hold Christingles and Crib services in the church. They are able to deliver the bags to the school.

Friday 27th November. This Sunday is 'Advent Sunday. It is always on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day. Today we designed and made advent rings out of recycled materials.

Friday 13th November. Celebrating with other faiths. Diwali lanterns.

Thursday 12th November 2020. Virtual assembly with Miss Greenslade.

Thursday 12th November 2020. Changing lives near Kingston St Mary. From coast to coast, in towns and cities right across the UK, BBC Children in Need is out there making a difference. The amazing projects they support help change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people all over the country. This year our school are fundraising by getting the children to come to school dressed in their favourite PE kit. All the children gave a £1 donation.

Wednesday 11th November. Today we watched the service from Westminster Cathedral. We are going to take our poppies home to share in the community.

Friday 6th November 2020. This year we decided to honour Remembrance Sunday by placing our clay poppies under a tree near the front of our school so that the local community can share in our remembrance.

Monday 2nd November 2020. Our 'Value for Life' for this half term is Perseverance. Please have a look at our newsletter and watch the power point presentation with your family. Mrs Griffiths.



Emphasis upon endurance and perseverance is common in the New Testament where it is linked with patience and suffering. St Paul is certain that endurance is honed by suffering, is character building and is characterised by love (Romans 5:3-4; I Corinthians 4:12 – 13). It is linked with self-control, godliness (2 Peter 1:6) and steadfastness.

At its root, endurance and perseverance is recognition that life is sometimes difficult and painful, and that it is important not to give up in the face of adversity.


Jesus endured rejection, abuse and the cross, and his followers are warned that they may well have to share that pain as persecution took hold. Discipleship is depicted as ‘taking up the cross daily’ and following in Jesus’ footsteps (Luke 9:23).


Endurance and perseverance are only possible where there is hope and that hope is based on the enduring nature of God’s love and faithfulness. Even Jesus, for all his strength and ability to endure, looked to his disciples to help and sustain him by watching and praying with him (Matthew 26).

Monday 2nd November

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the 'Open Door' collection. Mr Griffiths was able to deliver the wide selection of groceries during half term. It was wonderful to see such a wide range of toiletries included. The staff were extremely grateful and Mr Griffiths commented on the delicious smells coming from the kitchens. Hopefully, we will be able to have another collection before Christmas.

October 2020. Christian Distinctiveness Action Plan 2020-2021

Thursday 15th October 2020


As part of our Harvest Festival celebrations this year we will be collecting for the charity 'Open Door'. 

Open Door is a day centre for Taunton’s homeless community. In the first instance they provide a warm welcome, a smile and a cuppa.

After that they work to ensure people have their basic needs met. They have showers, a clothing store and provide a laundry facility. They also serve breakfast and lunch with unlimited refills of tea, coffee and juice. This all works to increase people’s self-esteem and gives them a positive sense of belonging to our community.

They then offer tailored support plans for individuals which target key goals such as developing life skills, sustaining accommodation and accessing employment. All of this is underpinned by a staff team of three and a huge team of over 45 volunteers. Without their volunteers, and support from donors, they would not be able to make such a difference in people’s lives.

On Friday 23rd October, Mrs Griffiths will be collecting at the front of school any donations you would like to make this year. Donations might include coffee, tea, sugar, cereals, juice, tinned meat or vegetables, cooking sauces, toiletries, washing powder etc..

Many thanks

Jo Griffiths

9th September 2020. Today we wrote some prayers on butterflies. We are going to leave them in the church to give people comfort who's lives have been affected by Covid-19.

Autumn Term 2020. At Kingston St Mary school we have a strong, distinctive Christian ethos and encourage children to develop values of Trust, Humility, Truthfulness, Perseverance, Forgiveness, Responsibility, Respect, Peace, Compassion, Courage, Justice and Thankfulness. We ensure that children learn these values through the teachings and stories that Jesus told. Children have opportunities to think about and apply Christian values through religious education lessons, collective worship and as an integral part of our curriculum. This half term (Autumn 2020) our value is - Respect.



The Bible has so much to offer in this area of positive personal, relational and community values, and its timeless wisdom can help all us as a Christian school pass on to the next generation the qualities of life that are most valuable and which, as Christians, we believe are not only God-given but also can be God-energised in our lives.


Respect has different meanings but all play a part in how Christians value themselves and the lives of others. Respecting those that love and care for us, our parents, carers and those in the local community, is common in all traditions. We should appreciate what's done for us, finding cooperation not conflict and take responsibility. Romans13 states that we should 'Pay others the honour and respect you owe them'.


Respect for others - everyone is special; everyone's opinion matters; everyone's contribution is important; everyone's feelings should be considered; everyone's faith is sacred


Respect can mean simply treating each other with politeness and courtesy, and recognising that everyone’s contribution is important and that everyone’s feelings should be considered. At Kingston, we regularly discuss how respecting someone does not mean that we always agree with the other person but that we are prepared to listen and share our views without rudeness or impatience.


Christians recognise that respect needs to start with respect for ourselves and our own unique contribution to our homes, schools or communities. Having self-respect means being able to celebrate our gifts and talents, looking after ourselves and the bodies that God has given us. Having self-respect also means nurturing our talents so that we the best we can be, honouring how God has made us and being confident about who we are.

2020-2021 Collective Worship at Kingston St Mary C of E School.

Thursday 26th March 2020. A poem written for our school community.

Monday 10th February 2020. Designing a new 'Reflective Garden' for our school.

Monday 10th February 2020. Collective Worship Policy and Christian Values Assembly Plan.

Prayer Tree

Church Distinctiveness Group Meeting Agenda 28.01.20

Friday 20th December Carol Concert and Nativity performance in our local church.

Monday 11th November 2019 Our Year 6 children took our Remembrance Assembly today.

Celebration Assembly 18.10.19

Autumn Term 2019. Collective Worship organised by the children.

Self Evaluation 2019-2020 This is a working document and will be updated on a regular basis. Mrs Griffiths

Our Reflective Garden

Classroom Reflection Areas

Communal Reflective Areas

Chinese New Year

Collective Worship Displays

Church Distinctiveness Meeting 21st May 2019

All Saints


Bibles donated and blessed

Buzzard and Owl Community Walk

Christian Symbols

Churches Birthday

Fundraising for people in Need
