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The homework that is set will usually bear relevance to what has been taught and covered in class during the week, therefore helping to consolidate their learning.



Maths homework is distributed on a Thursday and due in the following Monday.



Year 6 receive English homework on Fridays, which is due in the following Friday.



We ask that all children read every night at home - at least 3 of these sessions are to an adult.  It really benefits the children and helps them to develop their comprehension and vocabulary.  Home Contact books/Reading Records are checked every Monday.


Times Tables

This is a very important part of learning, as it is the foundation that children will build upon in order to tackle all areas of maths.  There will be a focus on a different times table each week with a daily test. Children also need to be secure with the inverse of their tables, i.e. 6 x 5 = 30; 30 ÷ 5 = 6; 30 ÷ 6 = 5, etc.


Monster Multiplication on Purple Mash will be set three times a week for pupils to practice times tables.



Spelling lessons are on Fridays.  A new list of spellings are given out for the pupils to learn, ready for their test the following Friday.


Each year group are given a different set of spellings to learn, which fall in line with the National Curriculum spelling standards.


