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Remote Learning

Remote learning from 11th January

will be on Google Classrooms with the exception of:

Year 1 Phonics - link as last week

Year 2 Reading - tasks set on Purple Mash

Remote Learning 

Wednesday 6th - Friday 8th January


Maths and English for Year 2

Maths and English for Year 1

Topic for both years 

Year 2

Year 2 Instructions

Year 1

Year 1 Instructions

Daily Phonics

See the link below to access this


Mrs Hutchings' Group
Set 2 Lessons - Speeds Sounds Lesson and Spelling Lesson
Read Red Words - Red Words
Read and Hold a Sentence 1
Mrs Miller's Group
Set 3 Lessons - Speed Sounds Lesson and Spelling lesson
Read Red Words - Red Words 2
Read and Hold a Sentence 2

Current Homework due 06.10.20. There is also handwriting to be completed in their homework book.

Archive Spelling Lists Year 1 - Autumn Term

Archive Spelling Lists Year 2 - Autumn Term

**** STOP PRESS ****

Year 1 received their new phonics book today!  It is the one with the star on the corner.  Please read it tonight and bring it back in tomorrow.

Homework 2020 - 2021


Homework in Buzzards Class is set to consolidate class learning and to practise reading and number bond / times table skills.

Spelling Homework  - due Tuesday

Spelling words will be sent home each Wednesday in the Homework Book.  The spelling rules are really important as they will help your child to apply their spelling knowledge to other words.  Please take time to look at these with them as well as learning the words.  They will have at test containing these words on Tuesdays.  Please could they also bring the book back on Tuesday ready for the next spellings.  


Handwriting Homework  - due Tuesday

Handwriting will be sent home each Wednesday in the Homework Book.    



I am asking the children to read as much as possible at home.  Asking them questions and discussing characters, will be of great benefit.  Your child will have some books (with a gold star in the corner) to consolidate their phonics learning.  These books will only contain sounds they have been taught.  Please read these books the night they are sent home and return them the following day. In addition, to ensure they read widely, they will have books which they will mostly be able to read themselves with help on a few words.  More information regarding this is on the letter dated 7th September 2020 or please see me.


Number Bonds / Times Tables

Maths Homework is learning these facts.  They will help your child in all areas of Maths.  Spending 5 minutes a day on games or using Hit The Button will be of great benefit.  Once a week, on Fridays, we complete a test.  Your child will know what they need to practise (which number bond or times table).   Sometimes we will send home a written piece of maths homework.  This will be in the Homework book when it is sent home on Wednesdays.  

2019 - 2020

Archive Documents and Messages 

Wednesday 8th July


Hello everyone


The last pack for the year will be available on Friday for collection.  Below this post is a powerpoint which children can use to help them with handwriting. 


Most Year 2 children were neatly joining their writing in March which will be see them well prepared for Year 3 in September.   


Year 1 children really need to use the 'whoosh up' ready for us to begin joining in September.  Please have a lovely Summer and I will see you all in September.  


Take Care

Mrs Palmer

Handwriting Powerpoint. Here is a powerpoint to help children with cursive writing. It is really important that Year 1 children use the 'whoosh up' on their letters (except capitals). They will then be ready to join their writing in Year 2.

Wednesday 1st July


Hi everyone.  Hope you are all well. Well done for completing your Home Learning and please send me any pictures!  With regards to calling, I find I am generally having the same conversations and they are luckily that everything is ticking along.  I am thinking now that I may cease my 'call around' but please do continue to contact me on an ad hoc basis if there is anything at all you need. I can provide more resources if you need them and support you with explanation if necessary.


The pack will be there on Friday ready for collection.  Whilst it feels late in the term the effort you are all putting in really is still worthwhile.


Take care and best wishes


Mrs Palmer

Friday 26th June

HOME LEARNING Year 1 and 2

Week Commencing 22nd June


Hello everyone.  Home Learning Packs are ready for collection tomorrow.  Please remember to send me your pictures as I love to see what you are getting up to at home.

Happy home learning. Best wishes Mrs Palmer

Thursday 27th May


Hello Year 2 Parents.  I have just sent you all an email.  I would be grateful if you could send me a quick reply so that I know everyone has received it.  Thank you  smiley

Friday 22nd May


Hello everyone.


It is likely that I will be back at school after the Half Term, with the Year 1 children, but we will have a better idea by the end of next week.  Please bear with me until then with regards to Home Learning from 1st June onwards.   Year 2 parents, please can you keep an eye out for an email I will send today.  Hope you all have a lovely half term and the sun continues to shine.


Mrs Palmer



Hello everyone!  


Below are the tasks for this week.  Please refer to the Summer Term Plan which explains everything. For maths, log on to White Rose Maths Home Learning (the relevant week is detailed on the Summer Term Plan) and use the worksheets attached below here.  Email me if you have any questions or problems accessing anything.


Take care - Mrs Palmer

Summer Term Plan - Year 1

Summer Term Plan - Year 2

Religion and Worldviews

This term Buzzards are learning about what many Jewish people believe about God and Covenant (the promises God made with His people).  Here's what we'll be doing:

By the end of this unit pupils will be able to: 

  • recall the key events in the story of The Great Family. 

  • recognise the Star of David as a symbol of Judaism. 

  • recall basic elements of the Creation story found in The Torah

  • raise and suggest answers to relevant questions in response to the story of creation & attempt to support their answers using reasons and/or information. 

  • recognise the ‘happy human’ as a symbol of Humanism (showing that the human being and the potential of human activity to shape our world are at the centre of what Humanists believe). 


Pupils will know: 

  • that a Jewish name for God is Adonai which means ‘Lord’. 

  • that Jews live all over the world, but Israel is considered very special as it was promised to Abraham and his descendants by God. 

  • Jews use God’s name with great respect, never carelessly.  

  • sometimes Jews write “G-d” because of its sacredness.  

  • that Jews believe in one God who created the universe. 


27th April 2020

A really important person in this story is Abraham and his story is found in the Jewish holy book, The Torah. Take a look in the Buzzards' Religion and Worldviews page to find out more!

5th May 2020

Head over to your Religion and Worldviews page for a new RE activity for the week ahead.

11th May 2020

Head over to your Religion and Worldviews page to find this week's activity.

18th May 2020

There are some new activities on your Religion and Worldviews page for you to try.

We would have been starting our topic The Great Fire of London.  I have added some resources you might like to look at including a powerpoint.  Also Mrs Willis has added some great new computing resources - scroll down below this week's resources from me to see them.   Any questions at all please do email me. I love receiving any pictures of work you have done or things you have been doing.


Take care


Hello Buzzards

I have put all of your learning on the page below including maths worksheets to accompany White Rose maths as detailed on 'Summer Term Plan' (also below).

Reading for this week is on Purple Mash.  There is a 2do for each day.  Read the chapter and complete the quiz. 

Keep sending me your pictures as it is great to see what you are doing! 

Mrs Palmer smiley 

If you are finding you are completing the maths tasks quickly or would just like an extra challenge, take a look at the document below

Year 1 and 2 Word List
